Friday, August 19, 2011

Keep it up

Oke guys, our trial hava done. How the result of your examination? good or bad? Fyi, my result also are not good enough ! I got ....... ? so embarrassed me. Act i got some depression from other people. Everybody are count on me to get 9A in PMR. Wow a really really depression on me. For u all, u have to be a grateful person because u do not get depression like i do. It extremely difficult for me to go through and face it. Fortunately, someone has inspired me to get up from failure. Thank you teacher Nadia. She advise me to be a properly examiner. Forget about all people talking about ourselves. Just let them say anything they want. Although it's hard for me to face it, i never cry. Instead i face it with perseverance. I see many people cried about their result. Hey, cry make nothing oke ! U just make something getting worst. Believe me. Now, u do not have to think about the past. Just plan your future to get a better result. I know everybody can do it. Be a positive person ! I will share something important. If u got any knowledge, just shared it to other people. U will feel a different if u teach others. It become easier for u to answer the question if u teach somebody else. Fyi, i have taught Afif Azizi, Azfar Azlan and Izuddin for math. As we know, they always fails in math and now they have passed the subject. Unbelievable right my friends? But that is a reality. Use them as our guide to be success ! Me also got a good result. I got 93 for math subject. This shows that teach someone can make our knowledge better. Thus, don't  be a stingy knowledge. Everyday i'm wonder if i can teach the person that i love especially NA. But i just can give a spirit to you. Theres nothing i can do right?  Seriously i do not intend to show my kindness and goodness in u all, i just want give some advice so that we all can succeed in PMR. Till here now. Goodbye. Have a nice day my friends and believe in yourself  !

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